Meet the herd
Our passionate team of brilliant, make-it- happen individuals, all working hard to ensure the grass is always greenest on the right side of the fence.
Our passionate team of brilliant, make-it- happen individuals, all working hard to ensure the grass is always greenest on the right side of the fence.
Joined the herd: March 2017
Loves: Pasta. Being by the sea. Being by the sea eating cake or pasta.
Hates: Really high shelves and clothes rails in shops
Fun fact: Once represented Ireland at the Model European Parliament in Rome.
Joined the herd: January 2023
Loves: Studio Ghibli films
Hates: Jaywalkers
Fun fact: It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament wearing a suit of armour.
Joined the herd: August 2000
Loves: McDonalds plain hamburgers – preferably 3 at once.
Hates: Sweet potato
Fun fact: Once turned a quadbike head over heels in north Scotland. My right shoe was found 10m up on the bank above. The left one was never found…
Joined the herd: August 2000
Loves: Sea and Sun. Dim Sum and James Bond. The perfect evening
Hates: Any food served on a ‘bed of rocket’
Fun fact: Charlie’s sister had to shave my armpits and legs for a production of The Merchant of Venice at the 1999 Fringe in which I played Portia as a drag queen. The show was not successful.
Joined the herd: February 2002
Loves: Lego, drums and skiing
Hates: Mayonnaise
Fun fact: There are currently over 400 billion lego bricks in the world
Joined the herd: August 2019
Loves: The beach and good coffee
Hates: Shopping centres at Christmas time
Fun fact: A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance!
Joined the herd: March 2018
Loves: Gin, cheese & boxing (but probably not at the same time…)
Hates: Being on public transport without headphones.
Fun fact: My family continually spell my name incorrectly after a mistake on my 18th birthday cake. They find it hilarious, Luaren does not.
Joined the herd: January 2008
Loves: Cycling
Hates: Badly lit rooms
Fun fact: Performed in the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games
Joined the herd: February 2013
Loves: The sea. In it, on it or just looking at it. Preferably warm, blue sea. Also, wine…and cheese.
Hates: People who sniff. I am not afraid to hand a tissue to a stranger sniffing near me.
Fun fact: I got married underwater in the presence of dolphins.
Joined the herd: August 2015 (freelance)/June 2017 (full time)
Loves: Drinking tea and eating cake
Hates: Being cold
Fun fact: Prize-winning Irish dancer (nightmare when drunk in an Irish bar)
Joined the herd: May 2013
Loves: Cactuses, spa days, dancing and adventures
Hates: Bad Santas and lazy elves
Fun fact: I have 3 Blue Peter badges
Joined the herd: December 2015
Loves: Driving and music
Hates: Hot drinks